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Keep Healthy!

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Titulek: Keep Healthy!
Datum vložení: 19.6.2007


Keep Healthy!

It’s very important to keep healthy and, luckily, we have lots of ways how to do that. It’ good to avoid the illness because it limits us in our activities. Often only partly but sometimes very much. If we’re ill we don’t feel good which is quite normal. In that case, if it is a common illness like tonsillitis or influenza, we can’t work and we have to stay at home. The best way how to cure this kind of illness is going to the doctor. We should let him examine us and then we should go back home, rest and stay in bed. Drinking tea is also good and recommended. If we take the medicine rightly and regularly we’ll be healthy within one or two weeks. But this quite short time can be very long for some people especially for workaholics. They can feel very restricted because they can’t do their work. But these people should also find the time for having a rest when they are ill. It’s not good to overload the organism. In my opinion, the thing which mostly endangers our health is the lack of vitamins. Especially in spring and in winter. To keep healthy we should eat a lot of fruit and vegetable where the vitamins are contained. If somebody doesn’t like the natural vitamins they must be substituted by a pill.

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