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Smoking (Teenager´s problems)

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Anglicky psané referáty > Smoking (Teenager´s problems)
Titulek: Smoking (Teenager´s problems)
Datum vložení: 4.3.2008



Everyday 3,000 children start smoking, most them between the ages of 10 and 18. These kids account for 90 percent of all new smokers. In fact, 90 percent of all adult smokers said that they first started smoking as teenagers. These statistics clearly show that young people are the prime target in the tobacco wars.

Smokers say they need to smoke because it makes them feel good and more relaxed. It helps to concentrate more and feel at ease. Or, they may just need to smoke because it's so addicting. Despite these statements, the advantages and disadvantages just don’t compare. One of the largest health disputes right now and for a long time, has been smoking. No one seems to be doing much about the issue and the people that don’t care the most and should, are the smokers. The smokers are the one's who need to know how bad it really is. It seems the non-smokers are the people who oppose against this topic because they are affected by it too.

Passive smoke, or second hand affects the non-smokers too. Tobacco smoke contains thousands chemicals, including hundreds poisons. Every time someone smokes, poisons are released into the air, which means that not only is the smoker inhaling them but so is around him. Many studies now show that this secondhand smoke can have harmful effects on nonsmokers and lot of them to develop diseases. Secondhand smoke has an especially bad effect on children whose parents smoke. A number of studies show that in their first two years of life, babies of parents who smoke at home have a much higher rate of lung diseases than babies with nonsmoking parents.

Tobacco users remain the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing more than about a half of million deaths each year...

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