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The Borrowers

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Titulek: The Borrowers
Datum vložení: 30.6.2009


I chose the book called The Borrowers. This book is much in demand. It is adventur literature with satire and humour. Fascinating, amuzing, attractive and plain text. But sometimes there are many persons with difficult names.

Mary Norton was an English writer.She wrote the first book about The Borrowers in 1952. One of the ten most important children's novels of the past 70 years. She wrote five more stories about very small people.

I can relate the contents. The Lender family are human beings and the Clock family are ''Borrowers''. The story follows the lives of a group of very small people (about 15cm high) that live in the walls and under the floorboards of normal people's houses . They live happily together in an interesting old house. Their Aunt Mary loved the house and their love it too. But she died intestate. A lawyer P.Potter wants to pull down the house. He said: '' I must sell your house''.Both families must move out to the different and expensive new flat on Saturday. But Peagreen and Arriety found THE LAST LETTER OF MARY B.ALABASTER. Mr Potter was very angry. The families were very happy because they can return to the old house.

The leading chacters are: The Clock family: father Pod, mother Homily and their spirited thirteen year-old daughter, Arrietty, the Lender family and Mr Potter.

I read the book from cover to cover. It was magic, impressive and perfect. The lively description. I love this bedtime story. I was Impressed. I like reading the English books.It's interesting.

I can strongly recommend it. You can borrow this book at the school library.I think you will really enjoy this story.

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