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1. My school

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > 1. My school
Titulek: 1. My school
Datum vložení: 10.4.2007


My school is a state grammar school. It is a general secondary school. It prepares students for universities, not for jobs. The students are from 14 to 18 years old. The second group of students is students from 11 years old, because they will study there for 7 years.
I thing about less than 500 students go to this school. In my opinion it is not difficult for applicants to get to this school because the number of applicants is getting lower (from year to year).
The applicants have to take an entrance exam in Czech, Math and a test of general knowledge. Some years ago the applicants had to take exam only in Czech language and Math.
If they pass the exam they have a chance to get to this school. A lot of subjects are taught here: some of them we have for a year, some only two years – e.g. music and art, some subjects we have for three years but most of subjects we have for four years – e.g. languages, history, math, physics, chemistry, biology or physical education.
All of these subjects are compulsory. And besides this students can choose some elective subjects – e.g. language conversations and various seminars.

Students can take one elective subject in the third class and two subjects in the fourth class. This school system doesn’t suit me, because I must learn some things I will never need. We learn too many facts, but most of them only superficially so we forget these facts very soon.
Best of all I like history. I don’t like chemistry at all because we haven’t text book, it doesn’t interest me and I haven’t got talent for it. I also don’t like biology and physical. I’m not good at it.

Our school was built in 1907. It has two floors and ground floor. There are a lot of classrooms. The average number of students in one class is 30. Besides classroom there are teachers’ room, school office and headmaster’s office. We have also labs at school too, e.g. physical, chemical, biological and language laboratory. We have two gyms – one is very small and the other is a bit larger. But, there isn’t a sport ground near the school. In our school we have a buffet where students can buy something to drink and something small to eat. But there is not a school canteen so we have to go for lunch to canteen in primary school in Dukelská Street.
I think our school is quite well equipped. Our school hall is pride of school. It is very nice room.
There are schools rules, that students have obey – e.g. students have to be at school in time, students must change shoes, students mustn’t run at corridors.
Apologize our absences is necessary. We must let out class–teacher know, that we will ill. Up to 2 days parents apologize our absence – they write a small letter to the class–teacher. If we are ill, we must have a sick note from our doctor.
I thing, that the life in our school after lessons is boring, because all students go home after lessons and there is nothing to do.
There is only one club in our school – young theatergoers club. This club works one a month – goes to the theatre.
In our school aren’t any clubs. We have no school orchestra, school choir, school magazine. It is not a tradition in our school.
Some of the student thinks that it is a useful thing to have some school clubs, but some students don’t want to have this club.
Very popular events in our school are tournaments at basketball and volley ball. They take place once a year. Students themselves organize these tournaments. Teachers take a part in tournaments too.
Our school organizes exchanges of students with another foreign school. We only organized between the Austrian schools.

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