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9. Seasons of the year, weather, climate

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > 9. Seasons of the year, weather, climate
Titulek: 9. Seasons of the year, weather, climate
Datum vložení: 10.4.2007


Climate depends on the geographical position of a territory. For example the character of seasons in the south of Spain is deferent forming that in the north of Canada.

Our country lies in the northern hemisphere, about 50 degrees of latitude north of the equator. All the countries in this latitude have similar climate, they all are in the temperate climatic zone. There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

SPRING – begins on 21st March. On this date the day is as long as the night. This phenomenon is called equator. From this day on until 21st June days get longer and nights shorter. Meteorological spring, however, is sometimes else. Meteorologists say that the spring has come when the temperatures at daytime have reached 9 degrees a few days at a time. ´
In early spring new grass pushes, tulips and daffodils spring up, trees bud and first flowers, e.g. snowdrops, bloom in the gardens and forests. That’s why spring is a symbol of a new life. Fields and meadows are still wet and roads are quite often muddy and full of puddles. In the mountains a thaw sets in and the snow is melting very quickly. In the middle of April fields are dry enough for them to starts ploughing, sowing and planting. April is often called the mad month because the weather is very changeable. Many people find May the most beautiful month of the year. The fruit trees are in full blossom and there is a nice smell of lilac in the air.

SUMMER – begins on 21st June. It is solstice. Summer is the best seasons of all them, but it doesn’t mean that it is the same every year. It can be hot and dry or cold and dull of rain. But almost every year shorter or longer hot wave appears, so we can enjoy several tropical days. Thunderstorms with thunders and lightning’s are typical fro summer and usually come in the afternoon or even late at night after hot sultry days. More than thunderstorms people apprehend when it’s hailing because the crop can be devastated and every garden and field suffer a lot.
Summer is the time of harvester and so farmers and garden keepers have plenty of work. Markets are full of fresh fruit and vegetable. Summer is the best season mainly for students, because they have holiday and it means plenty of time for their hobbies. A lot of them go with their parents to the sea and some of them spend their holiday with grand-parents somewhere in the country in the cottage. The majority of students try to find some holiday jobs, because they want to earn some money so they could buy things which they need.
There are people who don’t like summer, mainly older people and people who suffer from heart diseases. They must be very careful.

AUTUMN – begins on 23rd of September. On this day, the day is as long as the night. This phenomenon is called autumn equinox. From this day days get shorter than nights. In autumn leaves change color and fall down off trees. The weather is changeable. Sometimes it is sunny but quite often it is cloudy, rainy and the sky is overcastted. In the morning there is usually fog and frost. For farmers autumn is a season of harvest. People put up fruits and make some jams. People rake leaves and pick up mushrooms.

WINTER – according to the calendar winter begins on 21st December. It’s winter solstice. The weather is often cold and freezing. Temperatures are usually below zero. Of course in winter we get some snow and rarely some snowstorms or blizzard can appear. There can be icicles on the roof when is the temperature is really cold. People can ski, skate, make snowmen and slide in winter. People celebrate Christmas.

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