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Czech Republic

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > Czech Republic
Titulek: Czech Republic
Datum vložení: 20.5.2008


The Czech Pepublic
The Czech Republic is a state in Central Europe and sometimes it’s called the hearth of Europe. It is a young state. There are 10,3 milion population and its area is about 80 000 sq km. Before 1993 czech and slovak people were in the same state, but first Januar 1993 we divided into two independent states. Our CR has four neighbours, Poland, Austria, Slovakia and Germany.
The CR is in temperate climatic zone. They are four years seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter.Temperatures in summer are about 20°C and in winter about 0°C. There also big rivers - are Vltava, Labe (flowing into the North Sea), and Morava.The largest pond is Rožmberk. We haven’t a sea. Our country is mountainous. Krkonoše are highest mountains in CR, where is highest mountain CR, Snežka (1602 meter). The deepest abyss Macocha is 138 meter deep. We have too protected areas- near river Dyje, KRNAP and other national parks.
The Czech Republic is traditionally an industrial country. There are the chemical industry, food industry, textile industry, engineering industry (factory Škoda) and other sorts of industry. Long tradition have czech beer brewing and wine making.
Capital of the Czech Republic is Prague. Prague is the seat of the President, government and parliament. Prague is the largest city in CR. There is also one of biggest river in CR - Vltava. In Prague live about 1,2 milions people. The oldes parts are the Old Town, the New Town, Josefov, Hradcany and Vyšehrad. Our president is Václav Klaus. His seat is in the Hradčany - Prague castle.
Many world known personalities lived or spent some time in Prague – Mozart, Beethoven, Paganini, Kafka and others. In Prague is Underground. The Underground has three routes, A, B, and C. The other big cities are Brno, Ostrava, Plzen, Ceské Budejovice. All cities in CR have buses, trains or taxis.
The currency in CR is Czech crown. Picture famous people are on czech banknotes, for example, on banknote of value one hundred is Karel IV., on banknote of value two hundred is Jan Amos Komenský and on banknote of value one thousand is Tomáš Garyk Masaryk.
The state flag consists of two horizontal stripes (white on the top, red on the bottom) and blue wedge.

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