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Edinburgh Castle

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Anglicky psané referáty > Edinburgh Castle
Titulek: Edinburgh Castle
Datum vložení: 6.10.2010


Edinburgh Castle, situated high above the city on Castle Rock, was once the home of the kings and queens of Scotland. The 700 year old Crown of Scotland is still on display there, and the Royal apartments include a tiny room where the future king of England , James I, was born in 1566.
The castle was the site of many battles with the English.Over the centuries it survived many attempts to destroy it,which is why many Scots see it as a symbol of their own survival.
Visitors to the castle will see a military guard at the gate , because the castle is still the headquarters of the army's Scottish Division.The famous Military Tattoo is also held here every August.This is a spectacular three-week festival of bagpipe and band music,marching and displays by Scottish regiments.
Edinburgh Castle houses exhibitions of Scottish history and a collection of armour and weapons.As well as what there is to see inside, the castle's hilltop position offers the best views of the city.

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