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Titulek: Belgian
Datum vložení: 22.3.2007



Official designation : Belgian kingdom
Capital city : Brusel
Area : 30510 km2
Population : 10289088 people
Independence since : 4. October 1830
Currency : euro
Official language : French, German, Flemish
National flag :

Neighbouring country : the Netherlands, German and France
Industrial branch : chemical indrusrty , engineering industry, metallurgical industry, textile industry - production lace, cut diamond
Economy : grow sugar beets, cereals, potatos, vegetables, hop growing, fruit-growing, flax industry, breeding pig, cattleand poultry
The highest mountains : Botrange - 694 m n. m
The lowest : Northern Sea - 0 m n. m
The longest river : Šelda - 435 km
The largest city : Brusel (970.000 people)
Saeport : Antverpy, Bruggy, Gent, Hasselt, Liege, Mons, Namur, Oostende, Zeebrugge
Religion : Roman Catholic 88%, Muslim 3%, Atheist 8%
Seat EU and NATO

Belgian kingdom is smallish country near seashore Northern sea.
It is above all Brusel and European union for majority people, but Belgian is country by much varied.
Brusel, the capital city, is great attraction of course for its sights, gallerys, lively life and for residence kingly family, too.
It is a country with great culture fortune and with fortune history. Belgian is birthplace Flemish masters, like van Eyck or Hieronymus Bosch.
We will discover that not only Rio live carnival. There are different carnivals in the all kingdom during year. Often carnivals, ecclesiastical processions and military parades have got origin since Middle Ages..
Belgian isn't country of extremes. Regions are varied with many interests, like krast area with unbelievable magical caves, or stretch sand dunes.
Bath-attendant cities are ideal places for rest of people.

Brusel is the capital city of Belgian. It is a main touristic lokality of country and centre of industry. There live about 980 000 people.
Brusel is seat European parliament and European commission.It is a full greenly, sights, busy business quarters and amiable restauraces.
We will find a many luxurious shops, boutiques and special shops and business buildings.

Sign city is a iris, that particularly well vegetation in local original marsy area. The iris was on the top of spike sceptre descendants of Karel Veliký, they settled in the ancienit city Bruocsella.

Grote Markt Brusel – it´s a historic center city, call Grand Place, too. The city hall and Broodhuis are the most important buildings on the square Grote Markt. Statue Saint Michaela, patron of the city, is stand on full beauty over the city hall.

Atomium – model molekule of iron 165 milliard enlarged, make from steel and aluminium. It consist from 9 interconnected globes about diameter 18 m and total high 102 m.

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