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příběh - My best friends is ghost

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Titulek: příběh - My best friends is ghost
Datum vložení: 16.1.2008


My best friend is ghost

It is written a year 1458.
A girl lived in a small village in Slovakia. Her name was Elizabeta. She was a very nice and pretty. Her eyes were big and green. She had long and dark hair. But she had a bad luck. She was born in a bad century. Everything was very difficult in her time. Her family was very poor. They lived between life and death. Her mother died when she gave a birth to her brother. Elizabeta had seven siblings. Her father was very sad. He started to drink gin. Elizabeta was the oldest and therefore she had to look after her siblings. The book was edit in this year.The name of this book was “Kladivo na čarodejnice”. Vexation started. All women were in danger. Elizabeta was charge of diabolism and they burnded her.
Now is 2010. 524 years later.
In the Czech republic a girl lives. She is pretty but she hates life because she thinks that nobody loves her. She lives from a day to a day and her soul is sick. She runs from this world to her soul. One day she goes to a dark wood. She has no fear. But at a time.... a ghost is staying in front of her. Every normal person would run away but this girl is staying.
They are the best friends now. Both of them are lucky and none are lonely. Both have to run to other world.
Elizabeta said one day: “Come towards me. You are the best person in my life. I want to have you by me. Forever ”. And she shakes hands with hers. The girl answers her: “I feel ironbound in this world. I want to be free ”. And they left for a better life.

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