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Story for Stone soup

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Titulek: Story for Stone soup
Datum vložení: 11.6.2008


One day a tramp came to an old woman´s house.´Excuse me´ said the tramp.´I´m very hungry.Have you got anything to eat?´But the old woman was very mean.´Go away´ she said.´I haven´t got any food for you´.´Oh´,said the tramp.´Well,have you got any water?You see,I´ve got a magic stone and I can make soup with it.But I need some water.´´A magic stone,eh?´said the mean old woman.´Yes,I´ve got some water.

She fetched a big saucepan of water and put it on the cooker.The tramp put the stone into it.After a while he tasted the soup.´Mmmm.It´s very good,´he said.´Have you got any salt and pepper?´The old woman fetched some salt and pepper.´Mmm.That´s better,´said the tramp.´It really needs some vegetables.It´s a pity you haven´t got any vegetables.´´Oh,I can find some vegetables,´said the old woman.She ran into the garden and brought back some potatoes,carrots,beans and a big onions.The tramp put the vegetables into the saucepan.

´Is it ready now?´asked the old woman.´Almost,´said the tramp.´It
really needs some meat.It´s a pity you haven´t got any meat.´´Oh,I can find some meat,´said the old woman.She ran to the cellar and came back with some ham and some sausages.The tramp them into the saucepan.

´Right,´said the tramp after a while.´I can´t see the stone now,so the soup is ready.Bread is very good with stone soup.It´s a pity you haven´t got any bread.´´Oh,I can find some bread,´said the woman.She went to the cupboard and fetched a loaf of bread,some butter and a bottle of wine.She put them on the table with some knives,forks and spoons.

´Mm,this is delicious,´said the old woman when she tasted the soup.´And you made it with just that magic stone.´The tramp smiled,picked up his knife and cut another slice of bread.

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