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3. Our house, flat

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > 3. Our house, flat
Titulek: 3. Our house, flat
Datum vložení: 10.4.2007


I live in a small town. The town is situated in the valley.

We have got a quite large back garden, where we grow some vegetables and there are about eight fruit trees. The front garden is full of flowers and ornamental trees and bushes.

My grandmother lives on the first floor and my family on the ground floor, which is a bit larger than the first floor.
When you open the front door, there is a long corridor. On the left side there is a door leading into a small corridor. It’s very small but there is enough room for shoe-chest and hanger on the left side. Next to it there is a toilet and on the right side there is stairs leading to the first floor. The door in front of you leads into the sitting room and just on the left side there is an entrance to the kitchen. The sitting room is furnished quite well. In the corner there is a big sitting sofa in a shape of a letter “L”. In the front of it there is a small low table with a storage space where we usually put newspaper or books. The top of the table is made form glass, so we put a nice lace mat on it to prevent the glass from scratches. Above the sofa there are three pictures. On the opposite side there is a line of wardrobes and shelves along the wall.

My parents’ bedroom is quite simple. There is a large double bed and on each side of the bed there is a night table with a small lamp on it. On the walls of this room there are pictures and on the opposite side of the bed there is a bookcase. I know it’s unusual but we haven’t got a space for it anywhere. Next to the bookcase there are two big wardrobes.

Our kitchen is mainly made form wood. There is a cooker and washing machine. My mum used quite often a sewing machine so it’s quite handy for her to have it there as well. On the sewing machine we have got a telephone and under the telephone there is a nice lace mat. In the kitchen there is a fridge with a flower on the top of it. Above the fridge there is a shelf with some interesting things and just next to this corner there is a door leading into my and my sister’s bedroom. This room isn’t so nice, because we’ve a lot of things and wardrobes. There is a large window and quite a big table with one chair by the window. On the left side there is my sister’s bed and above it there is my bed. We have got a small bookcase there as well. The walls of our room are covered with posters and photographs. You can hardly see an empty space on the wall. Our door is made from glass and its cover with posters too. On the floor there is a quite old dark brown carpet with white ornaments on it.

When you leave this room you are back in the kitchen and on the opposite side there are two another doors. One of them leads into our bathroom and the other one into our small food storage room. In this room we have got a freezer.

Well, this is our house.

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