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My favourite film

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Titulek: My favourite film
Datum vložení: 16.1.2008


My favourite film

I want to tell you about my favourite film. Constantine. I chose this film because I like horrors and deepnes.
This film tells about Constantine, John Constantine / Keanu Reeves/.
When Constantin was small, he saw hell, heaven, angels and demonds. He took this present as curse. He tried to commit suicide . He was 2 minutes dead but they resuscitaced him. And he wanted to buy a way to the heaven. He smoked 30 cigarettes every day. John had cancer lunte in advanced point. And he died.
Constantine tells the story of John Constantine, a man who has literally been to hell and back. When he teams up with a skeptical policewoman Angela Dodson to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister, their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles. Caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldly events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost. An interesting set of matters started.
John makes a martyl of. He cuts down his pipe and Satan goes for him. But they make a martyl of and he can get health. But Satan wants him! He heals of his cuncer lunte and Constantin lives. Constantine rescued all the world.
It is a very good and thrilling film. I would recommend it!
In lead are: Keanu Reeves as John Constantin
Rachel Weisz as Angela/Isabela Dodson

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