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Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > Canada
Titulek: Canada
Datum vložení: 11.6.2008


Canada is the second largest country in the world. With an area of 9,976,185 square kilometres, it is almost as big as the whole of Europe. However, it has a population of only 27 milion people.
This is less than half the population of Britain. Most of Canada´s people are the descendants of European immigrants: 45% from Britain and Ireland, 29% from France and 6% from Germany. Today a lot of immigrants come from Asia. Vancouver, on the west coast of Canada, has a large Asian population. The original inhabitants of Canada were the Inuit (or Eskimos) and the Indians, but today they are only 4% of the population. Most of them live in the north of Canada. In winter Canada is very cold and it has a lot of snow. Skiing, skating and ice hockey are all very popular. Britain and France fought over Canada for nearly two hundred years. Finally in 1763 Britain took control. Canada is now an independent country, but the British Queen is still the head of state. Most of the population speak English, but about 6 milion Canadians speak French as their first language. Most of the French speakers live in the province of Quebec. In fact, Montreal, in Quebec, has more French speakers than any other city in the world except Paris. This is the CN Tower in Toronto. Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Montreal is the second largest city. But neither is the capital city. The capital is Ottawa.

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