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At the doctor

Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > At the doctor
Titulek: At the doctor
Datum vložení: 30.6.2009


At the doctor
D- Good morning
P- Good morning
D-What´s the trouble?
P-I am not feeling well.
D-How long have you been feeling like this?
P-since yesterday
D-Where does it hurt?
P-I have a pain in chest.
D-Undress to the waist.
P-Just a minute
D-take a deep breath.Open your mouth.
P-I very often cought.
D-Have you got a temperature?
P-I have had 40 degrees this morning
D-it's pneumonia(njúmounie) I thing
You must stay in bed for 2 weeks.Here are pills.Three times a day after meals.
P-Thank you.I will go to you after 2 weeks.

D- What´s the trouble?
P-I have a headache (hedeik) and I have a temperature.
D-How many degress?
P-yesterday,I had 40 degrees.
D-Open your mouth.Undress to the waist
P-I have a eczema on my arm and leg. It' horrible. What is it?
D-I´ll prescribe some cream because there are a smallpox.You must stay at hause 10 days.
P-But I can't be at home.I must go to the school.
D-nonono...or you must go to the hospital
P-Ok, I will stay in bed.Good bey.

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