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Zařazeno: iReferaty.cz > Referáty > Maturitní otázky > 500 > History
Titulek: History
Datum vložení: 21.9.2013


 At the beginning it was a war conflict between Great Britain and 13 British colonies in America
 This conflict started in 1775 and it lasted 8 years
 First I would like to mention two main reasons why it happened
o One of the biggest was that American colonies didn’t have any representation in British parliament so they didn’t make decisions about themselves
o The other was that British people was constantly raising taxes for American colonies so it happened that in US they have much higher taxes than in UK
 The decisive moment was an event called Boston Tea Party
o It was a reaction to a British law which again increased taxes which contain commodities, glasses, paper and tea
o So American people dressed like an Indians and they attacked merchant navy and casted out tea from the boat
o British answered by sending army
o It was a year 1773
 Next important was a first battle
o It was in 1775 when war began
o Americans attacked British army near Boston
 On 4 July 1776 American Congress announced the Declaration of Independence
 Until 1777 it seemed that British Empire could win but France decided to enter to this war
 They joined side by side Americans and finally they won
 In 1783 UK and USA signed a peaceful resolution
 George Washington became the first U.S. president as late as 1789
 It was causes by contradictions between colonies

 The Tudors got into the lead after The War of the Roses in 1485
o 1455 - 1485 = two noble families = York and Lancaster  struggle for the throne
o a white rose = symbol of the York
o a red rose = a symbol of the Lancaster
 First king in throne was Henry VII. who defeated Richard III.
 Second king was Henry VIII. who are famous for his marriages
o He was married six times
o And because Catholic Church denied divorces he founded new church called Church of England
o But his marriages didn’t end just in divorce
o Two wives let killed, one for infidelity
o Another wife died and one outlived her husband
 After Henry VIII. it was a short epoch Eduard VI. and his half-sister Bloody Marry.
 But now I would like to give some information about I think the most important queen in British history – Queen Elisabeth I.
o Historians call this epoch as Golden Age of Britain.
o She returned Church of England as main religion in Great Britain
o She supported William Shakespeare and art generally
o She also reorganized British Fleet
o Thanks to her admiral Francis Drake she reduced the influence of Spain in America
o From British Empire it became state number 1
o She founded new colonies and she determined international policy
o Her epoch is generally characterized by development of Renaissance society
My opinion
 I have chosen these events because I think that they are really important
 I must say that in general I love history but I don’t sit the final exam of it
 Especially I am interested in ancient times and middle age history
 I must say that I am not so interested in American history
 I think that the reason is short history of this state and really specific
 But I think that history of Great Britain it more interested than American’s
 The age of House of Tudors is maybe the interests period of Britain history
 And I think that the period which I have chosen it’s maybe the most important

announce = oznámit, prohlásit
battle = bitva
caste = kasta
cause = příčina, důvod
commodity = komodita, zboží
contradiction = rozpor, popření
defeat = porazit, přemoci, zvítězit
deny = popřít, zapřít, odepřít
event = událost, případ
fleet = flotila, loďstvo
increase = zvýšit, zvyšovat
infidelity = nevěra (manželská)
influence = ovlivnění, vliv
lead = vedení
merchant = obchodník
navy = námořnictvo
noble = ušlechtilý, vznešený; šlechta
outlived = přečkat, přežít
peaceful = mírový, nenásilný
religion = náboženství, víra
seem = zdát se, vypadat
struggle = snažit se, usilovat; boj, zápas
reduce = zmenšit, omezit
throne = trůn

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